What is black soldier fly larvae meal

Black soldier fly larvae meal is a highly nutritious protein source derived from the larvae of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens).

It is rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, making it an ideal ingredient for animal feed and aquaculture diets.

Black soldier fly larvae

How does black solidier fly larvae meal are produced

Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are cooked, pressed, dried and processed into a fine powder suitable for incorporation into various feed formulations.


The steam cooker cooks the black soldier fly larvae, sterilizing and coagulating the proteins.


The cooked black soldier fly larvae is pressed using a black soldier fly larvae meal press to remove excess water and oil.


The squeezed black soldier fly larvae needs to dry in a disc dryer to reduce its moisture content.


The cooking mixture will press through a centrifuge to separate the fat and protein further.


Packaging personnel can package black soldier fly larvae meal in bags or bulk containers for transportation and storage.

Why do you need a

black soldier fly larvae meal processing line

Black soldier fly larvae meal offers a sustainable and eco-friendly solution to the growing demand for protein-rich animal feed.

It helps reduce dependence on conventional protein sources like fishmeal and soybean meal, while also diverting organic waste from landfills and contributing to the circular economy.

black soldier fly larvae meal production line

How Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal Processing Improves Capacity and Efficiency

The Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) meal processing improves capacity and efficiency by implementing advanced techniques and streamlined procedures to maximize production yield and minimize resource usage.

How to deal with the waste gas produced in the BSFL meal production plant

In order to manage the waste gas produced, a BSFL meal plant production can install a waste gas treatment system. This system typically comprises a cyclone dust collector, a bag filter, and a scrubber.

Come migliorare la purezza e il contenuto della farina proteica delle larve di mosca soldato nera?

Ceramic membrane filtration technology stands out as a superior method for improving the purity and content of black soldier fly larvae protein meal. By addressing the limitations of traditional methods, it provides a more efficient, durable, and eco-friendly solution.