What is meat rendering processing

The meat rendering involves heating animal by-products to extract fat and protein, resulting in a nutrient-rich substance known as “meat meal”.

It’s a way to repurpose waste from the meat industry. Also used in animal feed, pet food and other industries.

meat rendering

How Does Meat Rendering Are Working

Convert meat processing leftovers into useful products through heat and pressure in the rendering process.


The collected materials will sort and ground into smaller pieces to create a consistent mixture.


The ground material is then cooking at high temperatures to separate the fat and protein components.


The cooking mixture will press through a centrifuge to separate the fat and protein further.


The protein solids will dry to remove any remaining moisture and create a fine powder.


The dry protein solids are into fine powder or pellets for use in animal feed or fertilizer.


The finished product is packaged in bags or bulk containers for transportation and storage.

Why do you need a meat rendering processing line

The meat rendering processing line improves by-product and waste management, providing environmental benefits by reducing landfill use and waste disposal’s environmental impact. Additionally, it creates economies of scale, reducing costs and boosting profitability for meat processing plants and farms.

Overall, implementing a rendering line is essential for promoting sustainable waste management practices in agriculture.

meat rendering processing line

How Meat Rendering Improves Capacity and Efficiency

Meat rendering improves capacity and efficiency through automated processing and use of specialized equipment.

How to deal with the waste gas produced in the meat rendering production plant

In meat rendering production plants, waste gas can be treated using methods such as an air scrubber system, biofilter, or thermal oxidizer to eliminate odors and pollutants.

How does meat rendering plant transport the meat?

Meat rendering processing plants employ conveyor belts or automated systems to move meat between processing stages, while large bins or hoppers are used to collect and transport raw materials inside the facility.